DUP Compressors Trading GmbH

DUP Compressors Trading GmbH aus Hohenems:
Ankauf und Verkauf von gebrauchten Schraubenkompressoren, öleingespritzt und ölfrei, der Marken Atlas Copco, Kaeser, Boge, CompAir, Almig, Alup und Ingersoll Rand.
DUP Compressors Trading GmbH
Industriestrasse 6
6845 Hohenems
Firmensitz: Hohenems
Landesgericht Feldkirch
Behörde gem. ECG:
Bezirkshauptmannschaft Dornbirn
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Dieser Händler wurde erfolgreich verifiziert und ihm wurde das Maschinensucher-Vertrauenssiegel verliehen.
Aktuelle Kleinanzeigen & Top-Angebote:
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Gebrauchtmaschinen in folgenden Bereichen:
Weitere Kleinanzeigen & Maschinenangebote:
250 kW, 7.50 bar, 43.40 m3/min, oelfrei, wassergekuehlt Btfmtyhg......
Oil-free. Water cooled. Variable speed drive. Volume flow 4,5 - 15,5 m3/min. at 7,0 bar. With built-in compressed air refrigerant adsorption dryer. HP air end 1x replaced. With ene......
Oil-free. Water cooled. Bjdhpiulwe......
Special offer only 4.000 EUR net 2V2Mp3......
Package of Ingersoll Rand screw compressors from 22 to 132 kW and refrigerant dryers - immediately available from stock, ready to ship! 8D7Tiks9Ce Special package deals!......
Immediately available from stock - about 30 second hand screw compressors Boge from 5.5 kW – 200 kW. Iwluvh8N7 Special package deals!......
Nice compressor without refrigerant dryer. Overheating. Dktxr2 Only 15.700 working hours.......
Variable speed drive. Volume flow 0,26 - 1,12 m3/min. Dkwmsp......
According to previous owner compressor has about 22180 hours. Flhy23Hbsv......
Variable speed drive. Volume flow 1,06 - 3,87 m3/min. According to previous owner compressor has about 27000 working hours and Boge service technician advised that compressor is in......
Variable speed drive. Volume flow 6.12 - 20.46 m3/min. at 7.0 bar. According to previous owner compressor has about 33541 hours. Gkkyvw......
Oil-free. Variable speed drive. Volume flow 4,40 - 14,90 m3/min. at 7,0 bar. HP element 1x replaced. Bd8Trkpyjc0......
Only 25.000 working hours. Atlas Copco ZR 132 FF - Oil free, water cooled. With integrated refrigerant adsorption dryer Pevqonbe......
Boge SLF 75-3 Variable speed drive. Volume flow 2,20 - 9,60 m3/min. B72Ivwoy......
Adsorbtion dryer Atlas Copco CD520 with 31.20 m3/min Kmhjuajcux......
Atlas Copco GA 26+, very nice condition. 4.39 m3/min Dmowwt......
Atlas Copco ZA 6 Oil-free, water cooled. Condition like NEW! 0L0J0St......
Alup Allegro 76 Variable speed drive. Volume flow 4,18 - 14,43 m3/min. With energy recovery. Bkgpdbi7......
3x oil-free screw compressor Atlas Copco ZR400 for sale. Very nice condition with test run video. Dnhzvt......
Boge SLF 75 Variable speed drive. Volume flow 1,55 - 9,33 m3/min. Bkb8Ydmhjuw......
Atlas Copco GA 30 VSD Variable speed drive. Volume flow 1,0 - 4,58 m3/min. at 7,0 bar. Bhnctkvp......
Atlas Copco GA 37 FF With built-in compressed air refrigerant dryer. Refrigerant R 404a. Oebvqnmdh9......
Atlas Copco GA 90 FF With integrated refrigerant dryer. Refrigerant R 404a. Bkrrsbmqaqu......
Atlas Copco ZT 250 Oil-free, air cooled. LP element and HP element replaced with new elements in 08/2020. Motor replaced and new in 04/2020. Btqqo77Z......
Atlas Copco ZR 250 FF Oil free, water cooled. With integrated adsorption dryer IMD600W. Betv07Xz......
79 anzeigen